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'God's greatest desire is for you to see a clear picture of His character. When you see Him clearly, you will find His love irresistible.' This blog is to encourage others and to offer hope in a hopeless world! Who Are Blessed Spiritually? Matthew 5:3-12

Friday, 20 January 2012



There is no language more powerful than the language of music. Music crosses all cultural and linguistic barriers.
You will find people in Asia appreciating the music of Bach, Mozart, or any number of European composers. You will see North Americans choosing Indian ballads over their own local selections. And, even in the heart of Africa, you will find indigenous tribes singing and dancing to the music of the Western pop heroes.

In Africa, certain tribes even use the music of such composers as Jimi Hendrix in their Voodoo rituals since the beat and atmospheres found in his work, and that of other rock musicians, so closely resemble the rhythmic style of the native jungle groove. Rock is equally suitable for inducing the right atmosphere for the ritual dances and religious ceremonies.

Influencing the Emotions

Music, of all the art forms, speaks most loudly to the emotional faculties. We react to music on the sensory modal level of functioning. Music is heard in the part of the brain that receives the stimuli of sensations and emotions. It bypasses the brain centers involving reason and conscious decision making. 

In other words, music does not enter our minds via the master brain but enters by way of the thalamus, a relay station for sensations and feelings. When a stimulusreaches the thalamus, the master brain is automatically invaded. If the stimulus is continued for some time then the person's brain is eventually influenced to react to its surroundings in the way the stimulus suggests it should. Reason is broken down and the response becomes automatic. Read more about the brain's response to stimuli such as music

Willem Van de Wall, in his book, Music in Hospitals, puts it this way:
Much of what we call irresistible in music is so because we react on the sensory-motor level of functioning.i
Medical research has shown that the nerves of the ear have more extensive connections than any other nerves of the body. Read more about the ear

It has also been scientifically revealed that music has a direct effect on the pulse rate, blood pressure, nervous system and glands of the body. 
Jimi Hendrix, the guitar hero who wrote the hit song entitled "Voodoo Child," reveals the strength of music as a medium for setting atmosphere and indoctrinating minds:
The blues are easy to play but not to feel. The background to our music is a spiritual-blues thing. Blues is a part of America. We're making our music into electric church music—a new kind of Bible, not like in a hotel, but a Bible you carry in your hearts, one that will give you a physical feeling. We try to make our music so loose and hard-hitting so that it hits your soul hard enough to make it open. It's like shock therapy or a can opener. Rock is technically blues-based...We want them to realize that our music is just as spiritual as going to church.ii
Read more about the mood-altering abilities of music

'the truth shall set you free' - John 8:32

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