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'God's greatest desire is for you to see a clear picture of His character. When you see Him clearly, you will find His love irresistible.' This blog is to encourage others and to offer hope in a hopeless world! Who Are Blessed Spiritually? Matthew 5:3-12

Sunday 9 September 2012

Jesus Deserves Our Thanks

One stormy night in Lake Michigan, a side-wheeler steamboat was rammed by another boat. The steamboat sank just a mile offshore from the village of Winnetka, Illinois. Out of 393 passengers on board, 279 drowned. 

A man named Edward Spencer after seeing the situation unfold plunged into the lake and swam to the drowning people. He towed one person to shore and went for another. In all, he brought seventeen people to safety. However, the strain on this young man caused him to collapse. The nerves in his legs were so completely destroyed that he could never walk again. He was an invalid wheel chair victim for his entire life. 

On his eightieth birthday, someone asked him to relate his most vivid memory of that dreadful day. He replied, "Not one of the seventeen returned to thank me." 

Can you imagine what the Lord feels like when we show Him little gratitude for what He did for us? 

In (Luke 17:11-19), Jesus healed ten people of leprosy. Out of the ten people who were healed only one person returned to thank Jesus. What did Jesus think about that? 

Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner" (Lk. 17:17, 18). 

With this comment, Jesus was expecting the other nine to also return and give Him thanks. 

God expects us to be grateful and to express thanks to Him. The cross should compel us to give thanks to the Lord every single day of our lives for the great blessings that we received from the cross. 

'the truth shall set you free' - John 8:32

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